2024 Ins and Outs

Happy New Year, friends!

As we step into a new year, it's the perfect time for self-reflection and setting intentions for positive changes. From a mom’s perspective, prioritizing family, health, and fitness is a no-brainer for me. Now, let's delve into some specific "ins" and "outs" that can shape a fulfilling and harmonious year ahead!


In: Set boundaries for screen time, especially during family moments. Allocate specific times for device use and focus on building meaningful connections without distractions.

Out: Avoid excessive scrolling and stop comparing yourself to other people. Limiting social media exposure can foster a healthier mental state and allow for more present and enriching family experiences.


In: Recognize the importance of setting boundaries in relationships. It's okay to outgrow certain connections that no longer contribute positively to your life. Prioritize relationships that uplift and support your personal and familial growth.

Out: Don’t feel bad for saying no and removing toxic people from your life. Let go of guilt associated with prioritizing your well-being and the well-being of your family.


In: Give yourself the grace to navigate the fluctuations of keeping up with your health and fitness without undue self-criticism. Celebrate the progress you make, no matter how small.

Out: Release the guilt associated with not adhering to a rigid workout routine. Understand that taking care of your mental health is just as crucial as physical well-being.


In: Take the time to savour and enjoy precious family moments. Create lasting memories by being fully present, whether it's a simple dinner or a weekend adventure.

Out: Avoid the pressure of trying to do it all. Embrace imperfection, and focus on what truly matters.


In: Enhance productivity by incorporating organizational strategies into your daily routine.

Out: Don’t procrastinate. Break tasks into manageable steps and prioritize effectively.

As we move forward on this new chapter, let's embrace these "ins" and bid farewell to the corresponding "outs." I’m wishing everyone a fruitful year ahead!

Warmest regards,

Trisha x