My Breast Implant Journey: Why I Removed Them

Two years ago, I officially became implant-free, and it was the most liberating feeling ever.

In a world dominated by unrealistic beauty standards and societal pressures, it’s undeniable that many individuals find themselves struggling to accept and love their bodies unconditionally.

In this blog post, I want to share with you my breast implant journey, as I triumphantly reclaim my body and rekindle a deep love within myself.

My journey began silently, shrouded in personal reasons that prevented me from openly discussing my experiences. Society's expectations and judgmental attitudes surrounding body image created an additional layer of challenge, and I felt the weight of these external influences, hindering my ability to fully embrace this journey. However, deep within my heart, I knew that in order to truly find happiness, I had to break free from these chains and just be true to myself.

Life’s too short to care so much about what other people think, right?

Two years ago, I made the courageous decision to remove my breast implants. This choice was fueled by a desire to reconnect with my authentic self, and also due to what I felt was a sign from the Universe … my implants were actually recalled by the company! After a lot of back and forth with my surgeon discussing my options, I knew what decision would be best for me.

The process was not just physical; it was an emotional and psychological transformation as well. I faced doubts and fears, but I stayed committed to my decision, knowing that it was a pivotal step toward reclaiming my genuine happiness and peace of mind.

Removing the implants was only the first step for me. I realized that true self-love required a holistic approach that includes physical, mental, and emotional well-being. I delved deep into my inner self, seeking to understand the roots of why I did the things I did. Through meditation and self-reflection, I gradually dismantled the self-destructive beliefs that had held me back for far too long. On top of all of this, being a mother to two young girls was also what I kept top of mind. I want them to know and believe they are naturally beautiful inside and out. I tell them this all the time! I know they look up to me, their mommy, so it’s important for me to practice what I preach.

This entire journey was marked by moments of healing and self-acceptance. I learned to forgive myself for the years of not fully embracing my entirety. I started shifting my focus towards gratitude and appreciation for the incredible vessel that my body is. I began to see my scars as a symbol of resilience and strength, embracing them as a part of my unique story.

In this experience, I learned more about how crucial self-care and self-love are. I went through the journey of nourishment and nurturance, both physically and emotionally. I dedicated time to engaging in activities that brought me joy and connected me to my body—working out, healthy eating, and surrounding myself with good people became my outlets for self-expression and celebration.

My journey is ongoing, as self-love and body acceptance are lifelong commitments. I hope to stand as a beacon of inspiration for others, proving that it is possible to break free from societal pressures and embrace one's body authentically. I wish my story serves as a reminder that our bodies are unique, resilient, and deserving of love and honour 💖✨

With every step I take, I want to continue empowering myself and those around me, showing that self-love is the ultimate path to true happiness, fulfillment, and peace of mind 🕊