Note to Self: 2020 Isn’t That Bad

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The purpose of this post is to simply document this moment in time so that when I look back on the year 2020 I can remember some moments of happiness. Because there are many. Despite all the madness, all the paranoia, fear and lockdowns, we have really made some happy moments. This is what this post is about. If you stick around to read on, my hope is that it will inspire you to shift your perspective to focus on the positive and finish this year off on a good note.

The Year That Changed Everything

I am not going to sit here and write about all the things that went wrong in the eyes of many, but instead I want to remember 2020 for the year that changed everything for the better. I speak of gratitude a lot and could talk to my daughters about it until I’m blue in the face, but this year I have to say was the first time I really felt the power of gratitude. I cannot tell you how many times I stop myself in a day to remind myself just how grateful I am for little things that I often took for granted in 2019. Things like sitting in a coffee shop or taking Harper to swimming lessons were all things that felt easy and normal until 2020. We didn’t realize just how good we had it. Plus, staying home and wearing a mask isn’t that bad compared to many things people have had to endure in their lifetime. Note to self: never take anything for granted - big or small.

The Gift of Time

I remember days rushing around feeling stressed for ridiculous reasons, only to be hit in the face with 2020 … when we were all given the chance to slow down. To appreciate things that really matter. This is the year I finally started to be less “busy” and started to be more intentional with the things that occupied my day. This year I appreciated time with my family like I have never before. 2020 opened the door to more quality family time, more sit-down dinners at home and weekday movie nights. It is the one thing I will never forget! Note to self: when I am given the gift of time, use it wisely.

2020 Taught Us All to Be (And Remain) An Ally

This year millions shared their stories and showed us just how we can all be an ally in the fight against racial injustice well beyond 2020. We need to not only BE an ally, but we need to REMAIN being an ally through learning, reading and educating ourselves and our children on the history of systemic racism. Note to self: Keep speaking up and continue the conversation in order to keep the spirit of Black Lives Matter alive.

There is No Better Time Than Now

This year I left my corporate job of 13 years. Many might think I’m crazy to even consider such a thing during a year like this. But here I am. I am happy and I feel whole about this decision. Sometimes when you overthink things, you will find a reason or excuse to not take the leap. Dig deep and follow your gut. So happy I did. Note to self: listen to that inner voice, it never lies.

Family Over Everything

With a lockdown in place and no social gatherings with anyone outside of your household, you might start itching to see a new face. Mom life isn’t easy especially during a lockdown, but this year I cannot even tell you just how much I have appreciated this time with my family. To be able to be home during this stage in my girls’ lives is a dream come true for me. I am so grateful to be able to walk Harper to school and to be there when Noa wakes up from her nap. I shifted the way I viewed lockdown and appreciate my family so much more. Note to self: when I have my family by my side, I have everything.

Don’t Hate, Self Motivate

I love the gym. I miss the gym. I had some big fitness goals set out for myself this year, but 2020 had other plans. My usual self-care routine included some alone time at the gym, but this year I am sure many of us had to get creative at home with movement. I have a mini set up in my bedroom - sure, it’s not the prettiest sight, but it works. The pandemic is teaching me many things and in the top 3 was the importance of health. This year I learned to find the motivation inside me to get solid workouts in at home. I might not be squatting heavy or have access to ropes or machines at home, but I adjusted my goals to make them realistic for what was presented to us in 2020. It wasn’t exactly what I planned and that is okay. Shameless plug - check out my latest 4-week Kick-Start Program here if you need a little extra motivation at home. Note to self: focus on what you can do, not what you cannot.

We really don’t need much

I am hopeful that the future is bright and even environmentalists are seeing brighter and sunnier days ahead because emissions were dramatically reduced in 2020. To me, this year proved that we all don’t need that much. A lot of the things we did and bought were a luxury, not necessarily a necessity. Going forward my hope is to remember 2020 as the year that changed everything so that we could all move forward with a grateful heart while doing simple things like grocery shopping. going to the playground or visiting family and friends.

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