November is the Month of Self-Commitment

This is a harder post for me to share, but a very important one. Despite posting often about my life on social media, there is still a lot I don’t share. I always preach that mental wellness should be a huge part of your overall fitness regime, but I admit, over the past few months I let it slip. I was feeling stressed and anxious and did not honour my own boundaries in order to please others. It was all too consuming, so I decided it was time I bring mental wellbeing back to the top of my priority list!

Here are 3 ways to help you prioritize your mental wellness:

  1. Focus on one goal at a time

    Channel all your good energy in crushing one goal before exploring the next! It’s so important to also make sure that your goals are specific and measureable to help set yourself up for success.

  2. Schedule in “Me Time”

    If you don’t commit to this time, no one else will. Whether you are making time to develop your skills or taking time to treat yourself to a mani/pedi, block it off in your calendar and honour that time as you would a meeting with your boss.

  3. Create a healthy sleep + eat + movement routine

How you sleep, eat and how much you move can impact your mental health. Work on getting a good routine in place so that you are getting enough sleep, eating foods that help you thrive and make sure to keep up with a workout routine that motivates you. When you get into a groove, you are sure to see a positive impact on your mental wellbeing.

The most important rule is to be kind to yourself and give yourself some grace as you progress and as you learn to embrace the detours along the way!

I’ve been also meaning to share with you my top 5 favourite books for self-growth and self-development! Feel free to share your book recommendations in the comments :)