Random Facts You Might Not Know About Me

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The start of the year always feels like a good time to share some random must-know (or maybe not) facts about me, especially for those who just started following along.

My Personal Life

  1. My name is Trisha Enriquez - I didn’t change my last name after getting married even though I said I would. My girls’ last name is Calixterio.

  2. I lived in Toronto until I was 4 and then moved to a small town called Uxbridge when my mom remarried. I grew up in a country home surrounded by 10 acres of land. Today I am back in Toronto living in the east end of the city.

  3. I have two older brothers who live in two different countries.

  4. I grew up with a golden retriever (Jessie) and now have a Jack Russell/Chihuahua named Vegas. We brought him home after arriving from a Las Vegas trip!

  5. I thought I was “one and done” when having Harper. But when she turned 4, my tune changed and I really wanted to give Harper a sibling. After challenges conceiving, fertility treatments and two miscarriages, we were blessed with little Noa Kensington.

All Things Fitness

  1. I have always been passionate about fitness, but the name “No Tummy Mommy” has nothing to do with taking away from a woman’s power to grow a human inside her beautiful and strong body.

  2. I stepped on stage for a fitness/figure competition when I was in my 20s. It was a proud moment, but would never do it again.

  3. I used to be able to do 10 pull ups, but now can barely do 2. Hoping to regain my strength this year to get back to 10 or more!

  4. No Tummy Mommy originally started as a blog and 1:1 fitness and nutrition coaching. I have worked with so many women helping them be happier and healthier mamas! It has been a rewarding journey, but today NTM has evolved to working primarily with amazing brands and companies. I really love this aspect of my business, but health and fitness will always continue to be the foundation of No Tummy Mommy.

  5. Over the years I have created and shared 30-Day Fitness Challenges with you guys. Today I offer one 4-Week Kick-Start Program that offers both fitness and nutrition all in one. It’s an easy-to-follow guide and one that has helped so many mothers create long-lasting healthy lifestyle habits!


  1. My favourite food is pasta, but I love a good cheese board with crusty bread.

  2. I decided to stop eating red meat and pork in my teenage years and haven’t looked back. Wait, that’s a lie. When I was pregnant with Noa I craved steak and enjoyed it a few times over the 40 weeks!

  3. Breakfast is usually scrambled eggs with one slice of sprouted grain toast and berries on the side. Smoothies are something I have daily!

  4. I love my red wine.

  5. Chocolate over chips any day!

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Love and Marriage

  1. I have known my husband for over 25 years. We have been married for almost 12 years.

  2. But we did work through a long-distance relationship in the very beginning of our relationship while he was away in the States on a soccer scholarship for University.

  3. Our wedding ceremony took place at St. Paul’s Cathedral here in Toronto and the reception was held at Atlantis by the Ontario Place. If you know it, you will know it was once a club.

  4. We had our honeymoon in St. Lucia and we had planned to return last May … but 2020.

  5. I believe in true love … did you know my parents remarried after 17 years of being divorced? Today they are happily retired together in the Philippines.


  1. I studied Human Biology at the University of Toronto in hopes of becoming a dentist. Yes, I LOVE teeth. Random, I know. I realized quickly I didn’t care to clean anyone else’s teeth, so that dream ended fast.

  2. My first job out of school was working in marketing for a Sports Supplement Company in the Women’s Fitness Division. I worked many years in brand marketing and advertising.

  3. I finally settled into a career as a Territory Manager in Pharmaceutical Sales in the Respiratory sector. I could tell you a lot about asthma and COPD!

  4. This year I left my job after 13 years at the company. It was a hard decision, but I knew it was time to start this chapter and focus solely on No Tummy Mommy. Best. Decision. Ever.

  5. I have some new projects on the go for NTM and excited to share what’s in store. Stay tuned!

Family Life

  1. We did not find out the sex of either of our children. Both times I thought I was having a boy!

  2. We are an active family - we enjoy workouts together and getting outdoors! Harper was a beast this year and took up running with her dad. She did a few 8KMs over the pandemic and made us so proud.

  3. I am pretty regimented when it comes to sleep routines, but it has worked for us. I know I have been guilty of being a bit inflexible with bed and nap times, but I think I’ve eased up over the years.

  4. Harper really enjoys acting and singing, but her dream is to become a professional soccer player. Noa loves pink and princesses, which is something Harper never liked at all. They are incredibly different, but their bond is just the best!

  5. We love to travel as a family and have already taken the girls to so many places, including Italy, Spain, Greece, Colombia and various islands throughout the Caribbean! Hopefully this year we will be able to travel once again!

That’s it for me! I hope I didn’t bore you, but now you know a little bit more about ME! If you have any other questions, feel free to ASK!!

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