The Do's and Don'ts of Postpartum Fitness

I decided to write this post because I felt like there is at least one mama who will benefit from this. I would’ve loved to have something like this in my back pocket for quick reference when I was in the thick of it after having a baby. We all know that those early postpartum days are hazy and as much as we know that we should be easing back into fitness, sometimes there is this little inkling inside of us that feels inclined to rush the process. With that said, here are my do’s and don’ts when it comes to postpartum fitness.

DO see a pelvic floor physiotherapist!

When you get that green light from your doctor or midwife at the 6-week mark to work out, instead of rushing to the gym make sure you book an appointment with a pelvic floor physiotherapist. This is something a lot of mamas overlook and I’m here to tell you please DON’T skip this step.

DON’T rush to get back to your previous fitness level

Sorry to be repetitive here, but it has to be said. Don’t rush! Listen, I know it can be a bit of a blow to the ego when you have to start slow when it comes to movement. Many women rush to hit the ground running in hopes to hit their personal best, but my advice is to take it slow and ease your way back to avoid any injuries and setbacks. Check out some simple home workout routines here - it’s a great place to start.

DO write down your goals

This is a very important part of the process because writing down your aspirations can be so motivating and will also help to hold you a bit more accountable as you ease back into your fitness routine post baby!

DON’T slack on your sleep routine

Motherhood usually involves a lot of sleepless nights, so do your best to set up a consistent nighttime routine (for both you and your child). I like to set a “go to bed” alarm on my phone so that I know to start to disconnect and shut down for bed. Otherwise, I could be scrolling on IG for days!

DO work out with your mom friends

There is something to be said about connecting with other moms through physical activity. You have lots to relate to and likely many stories to share about your personal motherhood journey. It’s also a great to be able to motivate each other along the way!

DON’T compare

Your postpartum fitness journey is unique, so don’t waste your time looking at where ‘so and so’ may be in hers. Focus on YOU and your goals because that’s all that matters!

DO keep healthy snacks on hand

I love this tip not only for myself, but for the kiddies too! Get into this habit for the whole family so that healthier choices are made simply out of convenience. Win for everyone!

DON’T give up

Your postpartum fitness journey will always have bumps and some detours, but don’t give up. If you fall off track, don’t beat yourself up; just get back on it without looking back. I know it can be a slippery slope once motivation dips, so remind yourself that even one small thing you do good today can make all the difference tomorrow.

DO celebrate the small wins

Motherhood isn’t easy and committing to a fitness routine takes work. Make sure you celebrate the small wins because you deserve it, mama!

Remember that no matter what chapter of motherhood you are in be sure to honour the process and your body and it will always honour you right back!

PS - You can find 10 of my go-to postpartum body affirmations here!