20 Things About Me

I was tagged by the lovely ladies at @whitespace_common to share #20Things about me. So here goes:

  1. I realize I don't have my name listed in my profile - it's Trisha for those who don't know.
  2. I grew up on a farm in Uxbridge. Yes, a farm.
  3. I studied at the University of Toronto and believed that I would one day be a dentist - it never happened, but I still have a weird obsession with teeth.
  4. I used to be a copywriter and brand manager for various women's weight-loss supplements.
  5. I thought I was having a boy and when SHE arrived, her name was chosen impulsively in the delivery room. I had name remorse for some time.
  6. I work full-time in pharmaceutical sales ...
  7. But fitness and nutrition are my passion.
  8. Once upon a time I stepped on stage and competed in a bodybuilding/figure show.
  9. I drink a glass of red wine every night. Every night.
  10. I stopped eating red meat and pork when I was 15.
  11. My nickname as a child was Miss Piggy.
  12. I like structure and routine.
  13. I'm Filipino, but born here in Toronto. I don't understand a word of the language.
  14. I have a bad gag reflex. My sense of smell is unreal.
  15. I eat the same thing for breakfast every day.
  16. I have trouble saying no.
  17. I got my first tattoo at 16 and regretted it ... then had it covered up and now half my back is inked.
  18. I've tried writing a book and starting a cosmetic line. Failed miserably at both.
  19. My daughter's middle name is Nuit - French for night. And named after @nuitregular
  20. I believe in soul mates and true love. My parents were married 17 years, divorced 17 years and now happily REMARRIED!