Our Holiday Wish List Came True!

Are you running out of time when it comes to holiday shopping? I feel like I am! And so many people have asked what's on our wish list this year and you know, it wasn't an easy question to answer. We are so blessed with a supportive family, great jobs and our good health that it's hard to think of wanting more. Of course, we do love to treat ourselves a little and the holidays seem like the perfect time to do so. But this year, Santa Claus (S.C.) was one step ahead of us and predicted what we wanted!! 


To My Dear Trisha & Harper,

Merry Christmas! I looked over my naughty and nice list for a second time and I was impressed with how you both have kept up with a healthy lifestyle. You would be happy to know that all the reindeer have been exercising 30 minutes every day to get ready for December 24th. We are actually a little ahead of schedule and the elves finished all the Toronto orders early. You both were so good this year that we decided to send you over your gifts to enjoy in advance. And of course, Mrs. Claus made sure to #GiveABetterGift this season, so she helped us pick out most of the items - we hope you and Harper love it! We know how you two enjoy exercising together, so keeping you both geared up in the best outfits will only motivate you to stay active through the holidays and into the new year. We are all trying to stay fit up here in the North Pole too!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas,


This year we were lucky to get spoiled by S.C! Confession: we took a little peek and we were so thrilled to discover items we had been eyeing at Sport Chek!

Here are just a few of the things that were on my Sport Chek wish list:

My daughter was so happy to get two new pair of kicks! She has always been a fan of Nike Free Run, which are so comfy! And now she also has her first pair of Under Armour trainers. To top it all off, S.C. also surprised her with a much-needed winter jacket which is perfect for all our outdoor play!

We are grateful for all our gifts especially because they support our healthy lifestyle. In fact, our motto this year when it comes to Christmas shopping is to buy items that encourage our loved ones to get active! This way our gifts go beyond just the physical present itself! Why not #GiveABetterGift this holiday season too? And that gift is helping to improve someone's well-being! This is exactly what S.C. had in mind when surprising us with all these goodies!! 

Now we just gotta put this athletic wear to work with this 15-minute sweat session:

20 x Kettebell Swings
15 x Kettlebell Deadlifts
10 x Kettlebell Squats
5 x Single-Armed Shoulder Presses (Each)
Do AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 15 minutes and that's it!! 

Wishing you a happy and healthy holidays!