How To Get Back To Routine After Summer

There is something about September that makes so many of us reach for the reset button. I love summer and everything about it – from the backyard BBQs, late night park dates and overflowing glasses of sangria. But when September hits I’m all business! It always feels like the right time to get back to regular programming. If I’m talking your language, read on. I’m going to share some simple tips to help you get on track with your healthy routine.  

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September Goal Setting

This sounds simple enough, but the key is to make them specific and realistic. Write them down, tape them to your fridge and commit. My three goals this September are:

1.     Lift weights 3 times a week.

2.     Eat 3 balanced meals (with greens) and 2 snacks a day.

3.     Meditate for 1 minute every morning. 

Morning Glory

There is just something about getting that morning routine in check that sets the tone for the rest of the day (and week). It could be as simple as making your bed or having that warm water with lemon first thing in the AM. There’s also nothing like a morning sweat and thriving off those post-workout endorphins. My advice is that when you kick off your morning on the right foot everything else tends to follow suit. 

Plan, Plan, Plan!

Benjamin Franklin couldn’t have said it better: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Basically, get planning! Dust off your 2020 agenda or utilize your phone calendar and start marking in your workouts, saving those healthy recipes and writing that grocery list! Don’t forget to revisit your budget and do some proper financial planning. Successful money management is also a big part of a good routine. Confession: I was 100% guilty of overspending this summer. 

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Nutrition Refresh

This might be the hardest part of your September reset, but it’s one of the most important. From my experience, I probably enjoyed a bit too much mommy juice and gelato was a daily dessert! I am not saying that this is wrong or bad, but I’ll admit that my body was really starting to feel different and I was ready to refresh my diet to having more wholesome and balanced meals, more water and less alcohol. 

In order to make meal planning a priority, I invested in Vanilla® Prepaid cards from Metro. Every week I would only use my Vanilla® Prepaid card for groceries that I had written on my list. It made shopping simple and easier for me to stick to my plan. My meal-prep list and Vanilla®  prepaid card went hand in hand. It was also the best way for me to track my spend on food and ensure I wasn’t going over my intended budget. My first grocery run I stocked my fridge up with all the good stuff using my card and anything remaining on the card I used up on my next Metro visit. I know that if I don’t have healthy food on hand I am more likely to grab that tempting sugary option when I order my Americano at the coffee shop.

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Grocery List Snap Shot:

·      Fruits (the girls love apples, bananas, cantaloupe)

·      Veggies (kale, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, lemons)

·      Protein (usually chicken breast or ground turkey, fish, eggs)

·      Other: 

o   brown rice

o   mixed nuts

o   sprouted grain bread

o   quinoa

o   coconut oil

o   olive oil

o   apple cider vinegar

o   yogurt

o   tofu

o   unsalted butter

o   milk (dairy and/or nut milk)

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Get Moving

Remember to be specific when you set your goals involving exercise. I find it also helps to block off that time in your calendar and don’t make any exceptions. Truth be told, many of my workouts were missed this summer, but not anymore! Keep in mind that it’s always a good idea to have a smoothie or a balanced meal following your workout to help you refuel and replenish. I usually have a protein shake mixed with fruit! Again, thank goodness for my Vanilla® prepaid card that supports my weekly grocery hauls, which results in always having good food ready to go when I need it! 

Me Time

Prioritizing yourself is not selfish. This September commit to more self-care and make it part of your regular routine. By doing this you will be happier, healthier and more ready to take on whatever the Universe has coming your way!