My Secret to Back-To-Routine Success

With the kids going back to school and with summer coming to an end, I always think of September as the “Monday of the year”. It always feels like a good time to revisit goals and properly prioritize all aspects of my life, especially my health and fitness. I’m putting my summer sangria aside and sharing my secret to successfully getting back on track with a solid routine.

Fail to plan, plan to fail.

Dust off your trusty planner and start blocking off time in your calendar just as you would a work meeting. Commit to time in your schedule for workouts and make them non-negotiable. Set all the reminders you need on your phone – it sounds silly, but it works!

Accountability Partner

Ask a friend or your hubby to get back on the train with you. Having someone who you can be accountable to makes all the difference. If you have the budget for it, consider hiring a trainer or coach to get you on a personalized program.

Commit to a workout plan

There is something to be said about going out and purchasing an online workout plan. It helps to have a guide to follow and know exactly what you’re doing and when. If you’re looking for a simple, yet effective guide, you can check out my 4-week kickstart program here.

Prep for success

You don’t have to go overboard and make all your meals in advance and eat out of Tupperware the rest of the year, but it does help to get organized in the kitchen. Even just stocking up your fridge with healthier options, washing and cutting up veggies in advance so they are ready to go and getting rid of processed options wherever you can … every bit counts!

Drink Water and Mind Your Business

It sounds cliché, but water does make a huge difference. It’s time to replace your aperol spritz with h2o and get chugging. I like having water bottles filled in the morning and challenging myself to get through them that day. You’ll be so busy drinking water you won’t have time for much else.

Club Bed and DJ Pillow

Gone are those late summer nights drinking on a patio. It’s time to start hitting the sack early and getting into the habit of prioritizing your zzz’s. I like to set a bedtime alarm on my phone as a reminder to start winding down. I also make sure I keep my phone away from my bed so that I don’t start scrolling before I sleep and don’t feel tempted to look at my screen first thing when I wake.

Mind is everything

This is by far the most important part of your back-to-routine success plan. You gotta get your mental game right when it comes to getting back to routine. Practice positive self talk and truly believe that you will achieve your goals. Now repeat after me: I CAN DO THIS!