Raising Healthy, Confident and Strong Daughters

Motherhood looks different on everybody and what a beautiful thing that is! I have to say it is such an honour and privilege to raise two daughters. I feel so grateful to have this role as a mother and want to do the best I can to raise healthy, confident and strong little women. When I think about how I can do this, I started writing down a list of things I felt would support this nurturing. 

In today’s world, I can’t help but worry about some of the pressures females naturally face, so that’s why I felt this list was extra important to share. Please feel free to save it and share it too with anyone and everyone who needs it! I’m sure there are lots more I could add, but here are only 10 things I’ve got so far:

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1.    Set the stage by providing a healthy example. 

2.    Allow your daughter to be her own person. Support her making her own choices.

3.    Teach her to love her body.

4.     Support exploration; let her discover what she likes to do and doesn’t like to do.

5.    Encourage her to dream. Remind her how smart and capable she is of achieving those dreams.

6.    Focus on her strengths. Show your daughter you are proud of her.

7.    Inspire her to speak up and stand up for herself.

8.    Pick her up when she falls. Teach her the importance of bouncing back.

9. Teach her about the world through travel and books.

10.   Show your daughter the value in contribution and community. 

This list continues to grow as I continue to grow and learn as a mother. I also realize that it starts with me showing my daughters just how proud I am to be a woman and more importantly, how proud I am to be their mother. 

xo Trisha

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 Photography by: Jeremie Dupont