The Future Is Bright

I cannot believe another year is gone and not much has changed. I know we are all tired of the “C” word and all the uncertainty that comes with it. But with all that said this post is to officially claim 2022 as the best year yet. I’m a big believer in putting things out into the Universe, so here’s what I’m going to do to make it happen!

Mark That Sh*t In Your Calendar

Pull out your 2022 planner because it’s time to put down everything and anything that brings you joy into your calendar. It could be the launch date of the series of your favourite show, your best friend’s birthday brunch, or that weekend getaway coming up in June … whatever it is, mark it in your calendar. We all need something to look forward to and I find by doing this, it gives us hope and happiness for what lies ahead.

Start Saving Money for that “thing” You always wanted

Living through the pandemic hasn’t been easy and we need to reward ourselves for surviving this mess! I love the idea of committing to treating yourself to a gift you have always wanted, but never bought. If it’s that new bag or fancy shoes, tell yourself it’s yours just in a matter of months.

Reset Your Work/Life/Balance

Time has become a big illusion the past two years and days seem to blend together. I’m making it a priority to create proper boundaries when it comes to work and life in general. It has been way too easy to work over the weekend because every day feels the same. I promise that I won’t just wear sweatsuits 7 days of the week. I’m going to enjoy my weekends and turn off my work computer and log off of IG; we all deserve to disconnect to reconnect with those who matter!

Invest in a new hobby

I got too comfortable with the lockdown life and now I’m ready to try something new. If you’re feeling like you’re in a rut maybe this is your sign to take up a new hobby. It could be yoga, knitting or running! I am going to try boxing. EEEK!

Keep Up Your Attitude of Gratitude

Writing down just 3 things a day that you are grateful for can completely change your perspective. I have also made it a habit to ask my daughters every night before bed to tell me one thing they are grateful for from the day. This is a sure way to foster positive vibes for the future!

Do Something Nice for Someone

The future is only bright if we continue to pay it forward. Even simple gestures like holding the door for someone or buying coffee for a friend will go a long way. You’ll not only brighten someone else’s day, but it will certainly make you feel better too.

Book a trip for later in the year

This might sound far fetched with all that is going on right now, but luckily cancellation policies are pretty incredible at the moment. So book that trip and fill your heart with hope and excitement as you look forward to some much-needed time away!

I hope that these tips help you to see that the future is bright and that we do have so much to look forward to. Let’s stop looking back and limit just how much we talk about “C”! I am 100% certain that only good things are heading our way and I will be right here waiting with open arms! Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2022!