Back To School Essentials

"Each classroom is a new chapter in Our Children’s incredible adventure of growing up. Every day is a chance for them to fill those pages with knowledge, friendship, and the pure joy of discovery."

Hello fellow mommas and parents! Can you believe it's that time of the year again? With the back-to-school season just around the corner, it's time to gear up for another year of learning and fun. As a mom of two little girls, I know how important it is to have the right essentials to make this transition smooth and exciting. Follow along as I share our top back-to-school must-haves that will have your kids ready to conquer the classroom with confidence!

  1. Backpacks with Personality

    Finding the perfect backpack is a back-to-school tradition that never gets old. Look for backpacks that combine functionality with your child's unique style. Don't forget to prioritize comfort and durability – those backpacks will be carrying more than just books! Psst … get them to help pick out the perfect one!

  2. Organizational Tools

    Staying organized is the key to a successful school year especially as our kids get older. Invest in folders, binders, and planners to help your little ones keep track of assignments and projects. A shared family calendar can also keep everyone on the same page with school events and extracurricular activities.

  3. Lunchtime Fun and Nutrition

    Pack lunches that are not only nutritious but also appealing to your kids' taste buds. Bento-style lunch boxes make it easy to include a variety of snacks and a balanced meal. Don't forget to throw in a little note or a small surprise to brighten their day! Hot tip: get your kids to help prep their own lunch because they’ll be more likely to eat it!

  4. Comfortable Clothing

    Toronto weather can be quite unpredictable, so it's wise to have a mix of clothing options. Layering pieces are a must – lightweight jackets, cardigans, and comfortable sneakers that can handle outdoor activities. Let your little ones express their personal style while ensuring they're dressed appropriately for both the classroom and outdoor play.

  5. Supplies that Spark Creativity

    Encourage your kids' creativity by including art supplies in their back-to-school essentials. There’s nothing wrong with letting them go wild with crayons, coloured pencils, markers, and sketchbooks. We all need a good creative outlet!

  6. Homework Nook

    Set up a dedicated space at home where your kids can comfortably tackle their homework. A cozy desk or a well-lit corner with all their supplies within reach can make studying feel more inviting. Personalizing this space can help create a positive association with learning.

  7. Safety First

    With the ongoing concern for health and safety, don't forget to include hand sanitizers, face masks (if needed), and refresh their memory on the importance of general hygiene, like hand washing and my favourite rule: no hand-to-face touching please.

As we get ready to send our little ones to their classrooms, let's embrace the excitement of a new academic year. With the right essentials in hand, our kids will be ready to learn, grow, and make the most of their educational journey 📚

Wishing all families a fantastic back-to-school season filled with laughter, love, and lots of learning!

Yours in health,

Trisha xoxo