8 Ways To Keep Holiday Spirits High During the Lockdown

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The holidays are different this year, but we are all doing our best to make it special for our little ones. Right now in Toronto we are all advised to stay home. In previous years, December is usually a busy month for us and we would be spending every free night visiting extended family and close friends. Now we are looking for safe activities to keep our spirits up during a time of the year when we need it most!

Here are some of the ideas I have on our list to help my family cope through the lockdown.

Get All Dressed Up With Nowhere to Go

That’s right! Go ahead and pull out that fancy dress. Get the whole family done up for dinner downstairs. There is always a different vibe when you get dolled up. Turn up the holiday music and even if you order in or cook dinner yourself, go on and overdo it! The kids will love it and the memories made will be beautiful ones!

Plan a Skate Date

There is nothing like a family skate night during the holidays. It’s cold, but worth it! Plus, you are getting active and those endorphins can help keep pandemic blues at bay!

Scavenger Hunt

What kid doesn’t love a scavenger hunt?! Here are a few examples of clues that you can use:

  1. Christmas colours are green and red. Now go look where you rest your head.

  2. Always believe in Santa no matter how old. Your next clue is where you keep your food cold.

  3. Ruldolph is Santa’s #1 flyer. Now go look by the washer and ______.

  4. Ruldolph has a bright red nose. Your next clue is where you watch all your shows.

  5. Don’t stop now - the game’s almost done! Now go under the tree to find your last bit of fun!

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Happiness is Tobogganing

If it’s a white Christmas, make sure you get bundled up and head outside for some sledding! This activity is pandemic- and budget-friendly. The only challenge will be trying to get the kids off the hill when you need to head home.

Caroling Karaoke

Karaoke is a big Filipino pastime, so why not make it festive! You can find all your holiday song lyrics on Youtube and have the kids go nuts on the mic. I’m sure the neighbours won’t mind the Christmas carols either!

Is it even the holidays if you don’t bake?

Keep it simple with recipes that the kids can do and pull out the festive-coloured icing to decorate. The kids are a little more motivated to get messy in the kitchen when they know they are baking for Santa and his reindeer!

Plan a mini getaway

Whether it’s a cottage or a day-trip to a local farm, there are ways to change it up while still keeping safe. Check out airbnb for some cozy cabins that allow you to change up the scenery and if you don’t want to break the budget, plan a day trip to a farm where you can reserve time to roam and adventure with the family!

Dance Party

When all else fails, get your dance shoes on and turn up the holiday music! The first 5 seconds might feel ridiculous, but let go and have some fun.

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