The Very Best of 2019

I can’t even believe this year and this decade is coming to an end. 2019 was one heck of a year and for me - it was definitely a year of growth. I learned so much about myself in the past 364 days and despite the highs and lows, it was one for the books. It was the year I started to feel the most comfortable in my skin. I didn’t say YES when I really meant to say no. 2019 was the year I started to become more aligned with who I really was. There are so many amazing moments of this year and I’m writing this blog post because I want to document these experiences and be able to remember them forever.

Here are just some of my favourite moments (and lessons) from 2019:

I took an 18-Month Mat Leave

I clearly remember filling out paper work when pregnant and deciding if I would take a year or 18-months off for mat leave. Taking the latter was the best decision I ever made and I have enjoyed every moment being with Noa after she turned one in March.


Witnessing The Strength of Sisterhood

With Noa becoming more interactive this year and growing into her own little person, it was such a beautiful thing to witness her bond with Harper grow and strengthen. I never had a sister so it warms my heart seeing their love blossom. Noa really looks up to her big sister and Harper really enjoys taking the lead. Including Noa now into the blog was also something pretty magical. Just like Harper, she was born for this!

I Traveled with The Kids

The anxiety leading up to a vacation is unreal because you just never know how it’s going to be traveling with little ones. But going to Mexico, Dominican, Colombia and Greece in 2019 was the best decision we ever made! Yes, we were off routine. A lot. Yes, the flights were not easy. But the memories we made were one in a million. Mamas, if you're hesitating on confirming that long-ass flight to your fave destination, my advice is to just book the trip!


Taking Risks

In 2019, I am proud to say I took some risks. I went out of my comfort zone. It was scary AF, but I did it. I collaborated with my good friend to launch a Mommy and Me Tie Dye Collection (shop it here), dyed my hair blonde (yikes) and partnered on a studio. Not every idea panned out exactly as I thought, but I took the chance. I showed up. I learned more about myself and have no regrets!

Tip: take the leap. You’ll quickly find out if it feels right and if it doesn’t that’s okay too.

Embracing Balance

I had always been an “all or nothing” kind of person when it came to fitness and nutrition. When I was “on plan” I wouldn’t dare deviate. This year, I learned how to embrace balance. I enjoyed working out hard while also going out to eat with my family indulging in food without guilt. I felt good about my lifestyle choices and didn’t associate negative feelings with nutrition or missing a workout. This was by far a huge win for me. I wrote a post this year sharing 10 of my favourite postpartum healthy body affirmations. Read it here - I meant every word!

Giving Back

Earlier this year I made a commitment to use my platform on social media to give back. It has been such an honour to partner with charities like Plan International Canada. It is such a privilege to call myself one of their ambassadors! The work they do to help advance children’s rights and equality for girls is pretty incredible! It also made me so happy when Harper personally made the decision to include Plan International Canada’s Gifts of Hope as her donation of choice for her birthday celebration this year.

Doing Disney!

Working with Disneyland this year was one of my all-time favourite memories of 2019. I am forever grateful for this experience. Both girls enjoyed every moment and I can officially say I am DISNEY OBSESSED!! If you missed my blog post, you can read it here. If you haven’t done Disney yet, I highly recommend it …. regardless of the ages of your kiddies! Noa was not even one when we went and we still had a blast! Psst … check out their offers because they often have deals for Canadian peeps!


I was Present!

Guys, I was there when Noa took her first steps and when she said her first words. I was also there to see Harper run her first cross country race and perform at her first ukulele recital. I can’t even tell you how proud it makes me feel to be able to say I was there and present during some of these moments. The old me might have been caught up with work, but not this year!


Dating my Husband

We’ve been married over 10 years and this year we really put an effort into “date nights’. With two kids and a ton of other outside stress, it was not easy to carve out that time, but we did it. I am so glad we did because we are happier than ever and as a result, our marriage got its groove back! Woot woot!
Tip: pay the sitter and go on that date.

Matchy Matchy x 3

It was just me and Harper twinning for years, but this year Noa (and sometimes even @noflabbydaddy) really got into it too! These matchy-matchy moments won’t last forever, so I will do it as long as the girls will let me!

Accepting ME for ME

In 2019 I learned how to accept myself. I owned up to my flaws and admitted where I could improve. I accepted my mistakes and learned from them. I laughed at my quirky ways, while also acknowledging my strengths. I tried to not focus on my weaknesses. I accepted me for me and didn’t ask for forgiveness from anyone. Not to mention, I got the courage to post more pics on my social media of just moi without the kiddies! Say what?! In 2020, I can’t wait to share more of the real ME with YOU!

I have such a good feeling about 2020 because 2019 felt like a stepping stone to something awesome. I have a few announcements coming your way, but for now I want you to know that I plan to get back to my roots when it comes to fitness and health and I promise to keep inspiring you in whatever way possible. With just a day left in 2019, take a moment to reflect and set those intentions for next year. Be grateful for all the blessings today and if that is all you do today, that alone is enough. See ya in 2020!