10 Postpartum Body Affirmations


As a postnatal fitness specialist I had heard it all when it came to mamas who wanted to get back to their regular fitness routine. I may not do a lot of one-on-one coaching today, but I still hear from women regularly who want to get into their best shape after having a baby. Unfortunately, this intention sometimes comes with negative self-talk like:

·       “Pregnancy ruined my body!”

·       “My body will never be the same after having a baby!”

·       “My tummy is so gross and soft.”

·       “I hate my body!”

I know we are not perfect, but words and thoughts can be so powerful. I have said this so many times before that I truly believe that “thoughts become things”, so we need to be so careful with what we are thinking and telling ourselves. Positive mind equals positive vibes. And the vibe we create is everything and attracts all the things we want into our life! I confess that I have had moments where I am guilty of that nonsense talk, but I work hard at talking myself off that ledge. I wanted to share just 10 postpartum body affirmations that I find helpful to achieving all the good vibes when I am having one of those days. Hope there is one or two here that can help you too!

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