What should you eat after a workout?

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Okay, so maybe ice cream isn't the best post workout option, but what is? There’s a lot of into out there and everyone is different - something that works for someone else might not always work for you. Plus, the options may change depending on whether you are trying to lose weight or put on muscle. I don’t think we need to get too technical here, but I do think there are superior post-workout options. What I do know is that during exercise your body uses up glycogen for energy, so at the end of it all your muscles are definitely depleted of their glycogen levels; in my opinion, I believe it’s key to eating something that combines both protein and carbohydrates to help refuel your energy stores, plus repair and build your muscles. Don’t forget to refuel within 30 minutes after working out (aka that “window of opportunity”).

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Here are my favourite post-workout picks, but again, everyone is different so it’s important to speak to your nutritionist and determine which options support your goals:

Protein Smoothie

I usually make mine with a small banana, almond milk (or milk of choice), a scoop of protein powder (I usually use Kaizen protein powder), a tsp of peanut butter and 1/2 cup of ice. A smoothie is my #1 go-to! Another option you can consider is pre-made smoothie blends from Evive Smoothies.

Greek Yogurt Parfait

I suggest about 1/2 cup of plain Greek yogurt with a handful of berries or fruit. The yogurt is packed with protein to help your muscle recover!

Hummus + Pita

Some days I’m just not feeling for a smoothie and want something a bit more fulfilling. This is when I would opt for a whole wheat pita and hummus. The protein and carb combo keeps me satisfied for a long time.

Chicken and Rice … taste so nice!

If my workout finishes just before dinner or lunch, I typically skip my smoothie and go for a meal like chicken breast with rice and fibrous veggies.

Banana Boat

If I’m feeling fancy, Harper will make me a banana boat which is one banana split in half topped with organic natural PB. We sprinkle hemp hearts for added protein!

Sprouted Grain Bread with a Protein Peanut Spread

There are a few on the market and some offer around 12g of protein in 2 tablespoons of nut butter.

Post-Workout Protein Bar

This isn’t my ideal pick for fuel after exercise as I would much rather eat real food or drink a smoothie, but if I’m on the go and desperate I’ll have a protein bar that offers a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein.

Chocolate Milk

This is probably Harper’s favourite post-workout to help replenish energy stores!

Tuna + Crackers

Another option for those who always on the go and want to refuel within that window of opportunity. The tuna offers protein while the crackers provide carbs to make a perfect post-workout fix.

These are a few options and sure, ice cream isn’t listed here, but sometimes you gotta live a little and have the ice cream after a workout :)

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